会期:2026/9/17~19 会場:Borneo Convention Center Kuching, Sawawak, Malaysia 大会長:Nurul'Ain Ahayalimudin (Ph.D, RN, CEN, OHN), Assistant Professor of Emergency Nursing, Department of Critical Care Nursing, Kulliyyah of Nursing, International Islamic University Malaysia
The 8th International Research Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing (WSDN2024)
のアブストラクトとプロシーディングスがHEDN次号 12巻に掲載されます。(2025年3月予定)
特に被災地支援に関わる方々からのリクエストに応じ、世界で引用されている災害看護研究をリストしました(Disaster Nursing、Disaster and Health Care、各々10編)。各論文のアブストラクトの和訳とコメンタリーをポストしました。
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Until August 2017, the Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing (HEDN) journal has been available online free of charge from this website. As of September 2017, all current and back issues will now be available from the HEDN page on the website of J-Stage (Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic). This change will provide more effective dissemination and higher visibility for the HEDN Journal, and will attract more authors who wish to present their research internationally.
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