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日本災害看護学会 平成28年熊本地震に関する活動報告より(4月22日〜24日までの概要) Summary from the Advanced Team of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing Report: The 2016 KUMAMOTO Earthquake from April 22 to 24, 2016
日本災害看護学会の活動の詳細は下記のサイトをご覧ください。 http://www.jsdn.gr.jp/network/gaiyou
報告書の全文は、http://www.jsdn.gr.jp/kumamoto にあります。The activity reports of the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing Network Activities Committee are valuable reports which were recorded immediately after the occurrence of the Kumamoto earthquakes, so we are publishing the summary of these activity reports here with permission from the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing in the hope that they will prove useful for many of the parties involved in the disaster relief efforts. For those at home and abroad who are interested, we are posting the original Japanese version as well as translations in English. Translation version follows the Japanese original version.
日本災害看護学会 平成28年熊本地震に関する活動報告より
- 医療ケアの介入が殆んどない避難所に、妊産褥婦や乳児、歩行が困難な高齢の方など特別の支援が必要な方が暮らしている。福祉避難所と指定されていた施設に、一般の方々が多数避難して来られたため、その機能を失っている状況である。
- 避難所のマネジメントに関わっている方々はいずれも体調を崩しかけており、血圧も平常時より高めになっていた。
- 被災地の中で救護活動をしているケア提供者自身を疲弊させず、自分達の生活再建を考えることができるような支援が必要である。
- ケア提供者が外部支援の調整に多くの時間を割いている。連休を控えて外部からの支援者が増加することが予測されるため、早急に調整役割をサポートする体制を確立する必要がある。
- 避難所支援に精一杯の状況があり連携が困難な状況がある。外部支援を受けるにあたり全体の動きを把握していくことが必要となるので、継続して状況を把握できるシステムが必要である。
- 長期化する避難者に対し、健康問題への対応策を効果的に講じていく必要がある。
Summary from the Advanced Team of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing Report
The 2016 KUMAMOTO Earthquake from April 22 to 24, 2016
The situation summary
On April 22, there were still more than 90,000 evacuees. Kyusyu-shinkansen restarted to run between Hakata and Kumamoto. Kumamoto city started to collect municipal houses for evacuees in disaster-struck areas. Because of the risks of landslides caused by uninterrupted aftershocks and a continuance of bad weather, there was still much rubble left there and it was dangerous to get in tilted houses. Although relief supplies were delivered to shelters, supplies have continued to be inadequate in convenience stores.
Activity and report of the Advanced Team from Japan Society of Disaster Nursing
On April 22th, the team visited Kumamoto Red Cross and Mashiki-cho where the largest earthquake of magnitude 7.0 occurred. On April 23th, to gather information and provide nursing care, they visited the Kumamoto City Ward Office, evacuation areas in Kumamoto city, School of Health Sciences Kumamoto University, Guranmesse Kumamoto. On the 24th, they visited evacuation areas in Mashiki-cho again. Then measures to support people were explored.
In Mashiki-cho, DAMT and disaster recovery assistance nurses were sent to support the shelters where many people had evacuated. On the other hand, there were shelters were no medical support had arrived. They visited two of these areas. It seems to be difficult for the headquarters to grasp situations which dramatically change day by day. The advanced team provided nursing care in the shelters, and without medical staff, they did health consultations and reported cases that needed medical treatment to the headquarters.
There were long lines as people applied for municipal housing at the Kumamoto City Ward Office. Meetings were held among medical supporters. Kumamoto Health promoting Division of Kumamoto City managed nurses and public health nurses as they visited shelters. In addition they were very busy managing supports from all over Japan.
While most evacuees stayed in shelters, in Guranmesse Kumamoto 80% of the huge parking area for 2,200 cars was occupied by evacuees who stayed in their cars and tents. Most of them had pets. In the parking area, a consultation service was provided for their pets.
At one shelter, two clerical staff members were sent from Kitakyushu and they managed the shelter on a round- the-clock basis. At first, there were aged people whose symptoms of dementia worsened, but they did stabilize. Responders provided opportunities for the elderly to move to prevent economy-class syndrome. People could use shower rooms whenever they wanted and there were enough toilets. Evacuees cleaned the areas themselves. Public health nurses or doctors visited there once a day to give health consultations and guidance. And college students and their teachers from neighboring colleges support evacuees as volunteers.
Problems that should be solved
Regarding environmental condition at refugee centers
- People who need special care such as pregnant and parturient women, babies, and the elderly who need help, live in shelters where there is no medical support. When too many of the general populace rush to the shelters that are designated as welfare facilities, the welfare shelters lose their functions.
- Most of people who are dealing with managing shelters have been exhausted and sick and their blood pressure has become higher than usual.
- We need to support healthcare providers who themselves are sufferers and still work in stricken areas. Help them think about their own livelihood and rehabilitation needs.
- Healthcare providers spend much time adjusting outside supports. Since many volunteers from the outside will come in consecutive holidays (Golden Week), it is necessary to establish support systems immediately to adjust outside help.
- When receiving outside support, it is necessary to grasp the entire situation of shelters. Thus a system for development for monitoring situations is continuously needed.
- For prolonged evacuees, it is necessary to take countermeasures for effective health delivery.