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日本災害看護学会 平成28年熊本地震に関する活動報告より(4月18日までの概要)Summary from the Advanced Team of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing Report: The 2016 KUMAMOTO Earthquake until April 18, 2016




報告書の全文は、http://www.jsdn.gr.jp/kumamoto にあります。

The activity reports of the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing Network Activities Committee are valuable reports which were recorded immediately after the occurrence of the Kumamoto earthquakes, so we are publishing the summary of these activity reports here with permission from the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing in the hope that they will prove useful for many of the parties involved in the disaster relief efforts. For those at home and abroad who are interested, we are posting the original Japanese version as well as translations in English. Translation version follows the Japanese original version.


日本災害看護学会 平成28年熊本地震に関する活動報告より(4月18日までの概要)









  • ノロウイルス・インフルエンザなどの感染症
  • 子どもの発熱・脱水
  • トイレの不足
  • 車中に避難している被災者が多い。
  • 食料・水が不足傾向にあり、避難所によっては炭水化物が中心となっている。
  • どの施設でも車椅子の高齢者が目立った。(福祉避難所の立ち上げを市役所に伝えた。)
  • 看護ボランティアをしている方々自身が被災者であり、心配から眠れない状況にある。
  • 福祉施設職員も被災者であるが、マンパワーが不足すると入所者への対応ができなくなるため、働いている状態である。
  • 乳児のいる母親より母乳がストレスにより次第に出なくなってきたと訴えがあった。
  • 人工呼吸器を使用している被災者の電源の確保が難しい。
  • 生活リズムのずれから不眠やいらだちを訴えている。
  • 被災者自身が今後健康問題を生じることを予測し、看護師に来てもらいたいと話している。
  • 座ったままや、寝たままになっている高齢者が目立ち、下肢の浮腫が顕著な方もいた。
  • 避難場所ではない場所に多くの被災者が集まり、車内生活を行っている人々もいるため、対応が必要。
  • 行政担当者の中には避難所の運営方法がわからない人もいたため、今後の避難所設営・運営のための情報提供が必要。
  • 被災者自身が今後の体調のことを不安に思っており、被災地内のケア提供者の疲労がピークに達しようとしている。健康や生活環境を見てくれる看護師の組織的な介入が必要。
  • 災害関連死につながらないよう医療班や巡回や福祉避難所の立ち上げが重要。


Summary from the Advanced Team of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing Report

The 2016 KUMAMOTO Earthquake until April 18, 2016

This is a summary report of the Advanced Team of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing. When a large-scale disaster occurs, the purpose of the Advanced Team is to enter the affected area as a body of experts in disaster nursing, to gather and assess data on health problems and nursing needs, and to clarify the nursing support required. While performing this assessment the Advanced Team also practices nursing care, provides information necessary to forming the support system, and acts as a portal for providing advice and communicating with the various agencies involved. The Advanced Team aims to enter the disaster area within three days immediately after the disaster. Taking into account stress and fatigue, etc. of the Advanced Team members, the activity period of each team member as a general rule is limited to 3 to 5 days (one week at the most).

Network Activities Outline page (in Japanese)


The situation summary

"The 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes" occurred at a magnitude 6.5 on April 14, 2016. In the following two days, there were uninterrupted aftershocks. On April 16, a 5.8 magnitude earthquake occurred. Numerous structures collapsed and many landslides took place across the mountains as a result of the earthquake. Large earthquakes reoccurred within the short period and many people have been evacuated from their homes due to the disaster.

Activity of the advanced team from Japan Society of Disaster Nursing

Japan Society of Disaster Nursing displaced an Advanced Team. On April 16, the team of three people rented a car, met in Hakata, and traveled to the field. While on the road, they witnessed cave-ins, liquefaction, and broken manholes, and the team was caught in a traffic jam.

On 16th, they visited Kumamoto Nursing Association and Mashiki-city where the largest earthquake of magnitude 7.0 occurred. Another person joined the team on 17th and from that day, the team began visiting evacuation areas, city halls, nursing associations, and universities. Working cooperatively in evacuation areas, nurses assessed living conditions, health conditions, and the hygiene environment while also providing information such as the need for locker rooms for women, securing sanitary goods, setting of finger disinfecting stands, determining how to adjust life rhythms, and arranging for amusement places for children. The team worked mainly in Kumamoto-city, because cave-ins of the road and traffic jams blocked their ability to visit other areas.

Gaps among shelters

It became evident that there were growing gaps among evacuation places from the view of living conditions, health conditions, and the hygiene environment. It was difficult to protect privacy with too many people in one place, and many stayed in their automobiles. Food and water reached one place but not others. A support nurse at the field instructed on the risk of infectious disease such as influenza and norovirus that could occur related to the lack of toilet and poor hygiene. In some places, doctors and nurses joined together to form a rotation schedule, but in other areas, especially where many elderly congregated, there were no doctors and nurses. The elderly spent many hours in the same position. At the same time, children began to show symptoms of dehydration and fever. The team of nurses proposed to the City Hall to build a welfare shelter.

Suspected health problems
  • Infectious disease such as norovirus and influenza.
  • Fever and dehydration of children.
  • Lack of toilet.
  • Many people who were evacuated remained in their cars.
  • They continued to sleep or sit in the same position and some of them developed lower limb edema and thrombophlebitis.
  • Other mobility problems occurred, since in most of the shelters, the elderly people were wheelchair-bound.
  • Lack of food and water, with carbohydrate becoming the main food in the shelter.
Other problems ensued
  • Volunteer nurses themselves were affected by the disaster and experienced difficulty in sleeping from anxiety.
  • Welfare facility staff were also affected by anxiety.
  • A mother who had a baby complained that she could not provide breast milk because of the stress.
  • It was difficult to ensure the power supply for survivors who used a ventilator.
  • Many people complained of insomnia and irritation from the change of life rhythms.
  • People themselves could predict their own health problems in the near future and reported that they would like to have nurses visit.
Problems that should be solved
  • Many people who evacuate to shelters and other areas or who live in their cars should be settled at the appropriate places.
  • Medical team patrols and welfare shelters should be built to prevent disaster-related death.
  • An information guide on how to set up and manage shelters is needed for those who are not familiar with these processes.
  • Survivors worry about their health. The fatigue of care givers at the disaster setting reaches its peak at some point. Systematic delegations and interventions are necessary to care for the health and living environment for survivors as well as the care givers.